Thursday, January 31, 2013

Times of Dreams

Jean Purcell

I dream about Lucie and me when I will be wearing cotton and sandals, and she will not be wearing her turtleneck sweater with the knit balls on it, with little pink stripes. She will not need her lined blue coat with the hood that swallows her endearing, yet small, Chihuahua head. 

Yes, it is spring-time in this dream when Lucie and I walk out the front door and pass by the dogwood tree in full bloom. We have made no preparation for this foray, beyond turning off the house alarm. It's early.

Lucie hurries along the stone patio, her expressive long tail wagging, which shows how relieved she is to be outside again in warm, not icy cold. We saunter as we like, over to the large azalea bush, the crop of day lilies, and the always-growing hosta plantings, where she can find her favorite relief, or "duty," places.

Uh oh. What has happened? The sky is grey with dark rain clouds. I'm awake now, no doubt about that, so I interrupt Lucie's sleep in her warm blanket. We need to go outside, in spite of below-40-degree weather. Lucie despises her new snow-boots. I'll layer myself into jeans, sweater, boots, heavy coat, gloves, and a knit cap that reminds me of Sean Connery's cohorts on a snowy plain outside Moscow in John le Carre's The Russia House.  

More snow has been predicted for tomorrow. Waking up into the real world my first thought, seeing Lucie under her warm, heated blanket, head hidden, little nose barely showing... had been that she and I must get going... into the cold morning wind for her first, very brief walk of another cold day.   

Later outside, as I stand in snow, I will remember my dream about spring really, finally its time. 

Hope you are keeping well.  

Copyright (c) 2013 Jean Purcell and Opinari Writers. Join (subscribe to) this blog; Tweet, FB, Like, Recommend. 

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