Thursday, November 01, 2012

Election Crisis Management: A Calming Dose of Humor

A Good Humor vendor
A Good Humor vendor (Public Domain- Wikipedia)
We the people, in my view, need to try to influence, somehow, if possible, shorter political campaigning cycles in the U. S. A. We are subjected to campaigns of two or more years. We are worn out. We need more Good Humor trucks in the neighborhood than political signs. 
     And also...what might we do in the near future to start working to stifle the length of time paid professional campaign staffs, lobbyists, pundits, and advertisers can overdo politics? I think that even some candidates would appreciate any success we might have in such action.
     Meanwhile, in the present situation and in need of a "lighten up" injection to keep my brain balanced...or somewhat near that I took a Blend of the Day  politics-and-calming-tongue-in-cheek-humor break with Deirdre Reilly's "Guide to Politics," given the upcoming USA elections. I invite you to follow the links in this section and take a break. She's only kidding...I think.Having witnessed a television on the street interview with a few 20-somethings recently, however, I think she's onto something. The young people could not name from which country the U. S. gained its independence. What school system was teaching them during their K-12 years, one wonders. It pains you to see young people so uncomfortable and embarrassed not to know that answer as well as the answer to "who is the Vice President of the U. S. now?" I am not kidding you.
     A reminder: If you don't vote early, vote at the final opportunity, which is next Tuesday, November 6, before the polls close. Meanwhile, if you are still undecided about your votes, you have a little time left to listen to both sides of every issue that matters the most to you, whether it's jobs, education, unions, health, stopping the legalization of yet another casino in Maryland, U.S. Chrysler auto manufacturing overseas, local judge-ships, or other topics that could affect your life and your loved ones' lives significantly, up ahead.     

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P. S. Deirdre's Portlandia excerpts
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