Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Quotes

Postbox in Little Chesterton.
                                                                      Image via Wikipedia

2015-Five days before Thanksgiving Day
Thankful. I include you, family and reading friends "afar off." Young and older, dear ones, I give thanks to God for you always. I pray for your hearts, that they be strengthened in faith by the Father's power. In these days, "dangers, toils, and snares" involve us. I resolve to pray for enemies in the strength of Christ, the Redeemer of souls in the divine power of Almighty God. Thankful. For my husband's words yesterday about guarding quick reactions and words in times of divisions among citizens and friends: "We are Christians."

Thanksgiving day 2014
Re-sending these quotes in a fresh year. Blessings to all. 
Thanksgiving (link)
In 1621, Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared a harvest feast, acknowledged as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations.

November 2013 I am thankful for
 Retreat seminar about the book of Romans:
"From Guilt to Glory"

"...gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." 
(see below)

I would maintain that thanks are 
the highest form of thought, 
and that gratitude is 
happiness doubled by wonder.

Nature-giving thanks
There is not a sprig of grass that shoots [that is] uninteresting to me.
Thomas Jefferson

Thanks for small, practical things
A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.   

Thanks for goodness in nature and hearts
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

Thanks for salvation 
"I thank God every day for my salvation."
Name unknown

Quote sources: Trinity Forum, Brainy Quotes, blogger

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  1. Thanksgiving is very popular festival in USA. here some unique Thanksgiving Quotes 2014 .

    1. Yes, we appreciate this holiday where we gather to thank God for freedoms and the ability to share with each other freely. Thanks for your comment!
